What is a mammogram?
A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray exam of the breasts that can help detect breast cancer early, before it causes symptoms. During a mammogram, a technologist will position your breast on the X-ray machine and take several images. An appointment for mammogram usually takes no more than 30 minutes. Mammograms are helpful because they can detect changes in the breast tissue that may be too small to be felt during a breast self-exam or clinical breast exam. Early detection of breast cancer through mammography can increase the chances of successful treatment and improve outcomes.
The different types of mammograms
Mammograms can be of two types: Screening or Diagnostic.
Screening mammograms are routine tests that are conducted to detect breast cancer in women who are asymptomatic, i.e. they have no symptoms.
Diagnostic mammograms are used to diagnose breast cancer or other breast problems in women who have symptoms such as a lump or nipple discharge.
The procedure of a mammogram
During a breast cancer mammogram test, you will be asked to undress from the waist up and wear a gown provided by the clinic. The technologist will position your breast on the X-ray machine and take several images. The entire mammogram procedure usually takes about 30 minutes.
[Pictoral representation]
Why choose Vara for your mammogram services
AI technology like Vara is revolutionizing the way mammogram procedure are performed and interpreted. By using advanced algorithms, AI can help detect abnormalities that may be missed by the human eye, leading to earlier detection and treatment of breast cancer. This means that you can have greater confidence in the accuracy of your mammogram test results and receive faster and more efficient care.
At Vara.ai, we use the latest AI technology to provide accurate and reliable mammogram results. Our team of experienced radiologists and technicians are dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our patients.
Procedure to book your mammogram with Vara
Is a mammogram painful?Depending on the size and shape of your breast, it can be a bit painful during the process due to the compression of the machine. However, our assistants are trained to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
Why is ultrasound not used in some cases in addition to the mammogram?Ultrasound is important, for example, to further examine suspicious cases. However, according to the international guidelines, ultrasound usage is not recommended for average-risk women without symptoms as the primary imaging method. Doing more ultrasounds than medically required also increases the probability of “unnecessary biopsies” for healthy women. The anxiety of a biopsy, the pain and the costs should be avoided if possible. This is why centers that collaborate with Vara are advised to utilize ultrasound according to international guidelines.
How should I prepare for a mammogram?Timing-wise, it is best to have a mammogram screening in the week after your menstrual period. If you had a mammogram scan before and have them as a copy or CD, then please bring them with you and tell the receptionist at the check-in. Moreover, don’t use a deodorant before you go for your appointment. Some particles in the deodorant could influence the image.
Is my insurance covering the mammogram?Please contact the Vara center directly to find out if you are eligible for partial or full insurance coverage.
Is breast cancer genetic?Yes, in some cases it could be. Your genes determine more than your blood type and physical features. They may also determine your risk for developing certain diseases, including cancer. Approximately 6 to 8 percent of all cases of breast cancers are likely to be hereditary.
Can I have a post-screening consultation with a doctor?Definitely! Our health navigators who are medically trained professionals will assist you with post mammogram test screening concerns and questions that you may have based on your reports and also guide you on next best steps if any are needed.